Monday, November 10, 2008

Adding a new feature

Oh, don't be scared, that's just me looking after you.

I've been hearing about the great photographs I take on occasions, so great in fact, they're even worth putting on a computer screen. So from now on, I will give access to "monitorialised" versions of some of my photographs in 2 or 3 popular screen resolutions. Why?

One: to prevent unnecessary manipulation of my images by unrelated parties, or

Two: to minimize unnecessary manipulation of my images by unrelated parties, or

Three: to discourage unnecessary manipulation of my images by unrelated parties, and

Four: to entice the interested to my images, which have NOT been manipulated by unrelated parties

How is this going to work? I won't go too fancy, but if any of my posts contains a photograph that I deem worth wider exposure, I will post links to proper resolutions. I will also tag such posts as "wallpaper", so one can quickly find all of them in the future. You can email me of course with a specific image request and I shall oblige at my earliest convenience.

The Brooklyn Bridge in the post prior has been chosen to initiate this deal (just wait for it a few please). A free deal by the way, but give credit where credit is due. I always do. Thank you.

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